Sunday 29 March 2009

General's Remains

(Click to enlarge)

Heres a 2D map for level designer Stephen Rhode's General's Remains. This level is focused on a large central tree & includes underground entrances. Underneath the tree water has collected that restricts player movement. around the map giant mushrooms create cover from attacks. Massive tree roots also provide cover. The map is ambitious from both a level design and art standpoint. Clearly an exciting addition to the already established Widow's Cave & Imago Heaven. Look back soon to see this level in its 3D glory.

Powerhouse Games Team


  1. Don't you think the tree is unrealistically large? Why not make it smaller snd have some bushes and buildings around it?

  2. Hey thats a good question, Bug Company is based in fantasy and the mod overall reflects this. Thanks for taking an interest tho. We'll pass these questions onto level design

    Powerhouse Games Team
